Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Recycling Your Samples in the Sampler_ver4

Tweaked the sampler and it's running fairly smoothly.
Built the infrastructure for a solid set of presets.
Fine tuning is needed and a massive relayout, but the pieces are there for some super success and fun.
I have to write a readme to provide the user the know-how to alter the sampler at will.
About to add reverse shot buttons and create a set of keys for triggering certain effects.
I may integrate Greg's stutter effect onto the master channel.... which will be super dope for the recycling aspect of the sampler that is proving to be quite fun.
The integration of loop slicing and quantized playing of samples (rather than waiting for the whole table to play) will be a bit of time to integrate but will pull it all together.

Once semester is finished the whole set with a package of samples will be available for download and music production.
It's proving to be a great tool to integrate with Ableton and Reason.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

instant party.

somewhere... in this zip file... is a thing called mashit1.pd
it's a patch that cuts up one bar drum samples and lets you rearrange them. you change the speed that the slices play at as well as the tempo of the sequencer. it also lets you load 2 samples and switch between them with (hopefully) no stop in the audio.


there also should be a patch in there (i cant remember what the fuck its called) that just kind of has a go button and it generates drum loops automatically. i think you need to load all the samples tho... it's ok as accompaniment to playing with synths. i made it in the car on the way to vancouver and we blasted it over the stereo while i screwed around in FL on the soft synths. it's pretty fun but it gets a little annoying after a while... i think at least. maybe you have better samples..

anyways, hope there's something fun for everyone in there... (there's really not that much in there).

beatrepeat from ableton sort of thing

still working on this one but i thought i'd post it anyways
left inlet takes audio signal. right inlet takes a bang to force the stutter effect. left number box is the speed of the stutter, the right one is the length.

might need to change the moses object on this one as well if you've got a mac.

what it does:
kind of works like a delay pedal, except instead of the delay slowly (or quickly) decreasing in volume, the signal is the same volume every time it comes back for the specified time. good for making glitchy stuff. i use it with a contact mic.

let me know what you think!

samplebank creator

probably a good idea to make a separate folder for this.

what it does:
once you click the toggle on the left, it records a sample (5000 samples long) as soon as it hears anything loud enough and then stops recording and saves it when it drops below a certain volume.

it needs a bit of work to make it a little easier to use/more customizable.

It's calibrated for windows (in vista, no sound coming through the mic registers around 40 in the env~ object, on mac it registers around zero. it shouldnt be too hard to go in and change it. i suggest to set the left [moses] object to about 20-25ish and the right one to around 10 on mac. or something like that).

it creates and names wav files like this: year-month-day-sample-instance
example: 2009-4-9-sample-5.wav

Hope that's helpful!